music. film. art. design. rad stuff.

Posts tagged “bruce haack

peter likes music // 2010

Peter’s grandfather regularly remarks that he believes music continues to get better and better.  Peter has to agree.

Peter liked a lot of things in 2010.  Mostly he liked the music.  let me count the reasons:

favorite songs
favorite 20 albums
top 5 albums
top 5 eps

favorite official videos
favorite live videos
favorite concerts


radness // video : Bruce Haack : “Party Machine”

Bruce Haack // “Party Machine” : Stones Throw

Not a huge fan of the song (it’s a’ight, I guess) but this video is INSANE GENIUS!  I would’ve loved to be there in the faux wood-paneled basement when this raw VHS footage was discovered.  An analog goldmine.  There are MJ gloves, classic Coke cans, breakin’ and more 1986ness than anyone could ask for.  And some bad ass dudes make an entrance at about 0:47 . . .